Being the phone slut that i am, I take every opportunity to show off my tits any where I go. I was getting ready to go grocery shopping. I bent forward to check my self in the mirror and decide to undo one more button on my sheer blouse. One last lip stick check and i was out the door. I play a little game at the grocery store. I like to see how many people I can get to look down my blouse at my almost falling out of my bra, tits. Men and women.. a cheep thrill is still a thrill and I love attracting sexual attention to myself. Every I got I bent over to get something off the bottom self when there as someone in the same isle. I made sure I flashed these babies good. My harmless flirtations caught the attention of one young ass guy imparticuler that day. He met me in every isle for the peep show. He managed to get behind me in the check out lane and we flirted for a while he helped my load my groceries and in turn I help him with his load.. and I'm not talking about groceries * w* Call me to find out the details.......
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