He says I am his guilty pleasure. He and his wife have not been sexually happy with each other for some time now. He has a kink and she know about it. Before they got married they enjoyed his fetish together. She said she was onto it. Now that they have been married a while she says she does not like it and wont let him to it any more. They still have sex ( on occasion )but when they do there is just something missing, A big part of him was being rejected, his fetish was no longer accepted nor did it have anyplace in their sexual relationship.
His fetish bad been part of him his whole life. It could not be denied completely in his life. That where I come in. He called me for phone sex . At first it was just talks about his fetish. Just having his fetish excepted by some was enough. Then we started role playing incorporating his fetish. What 's his fetish? Tickling. Yes tickling a girl makes cock hard as a rock. So now we play on a regular basis me laughing and him getting off . His wife non the wiser., His marriage much happier. I love this tickle fetish is such a happy one!
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