He put the nipple clamps on me right away. Then gave them a nice tug. I winced from the pain but stared to get wet. This time he pulled downward on them. I gave into the pain and went to my knees. Each time he tugged on the chain attached to the nipple clamps my already hot pussy got wetter. As he put his left hand in between my thighs to feel my juice and how puffed up my pussy lips were he pulled up on the chain. It was a very hot and erotic role-play. The feeling of my nipples being pulled and stretched so suddenly caused me to through my head backwards and let out a painful moan . I stood, he led me by the chain to his bed. He slid his engorged cock in between my large firm tits and had me squeeze them tightly around his cock. Still he tugged on the chain of the nipple clamps. I don't think I have ever cum so many times during a role play phone sex session.
When your ready for your breast play phone sex session give me a call me. I want my big sensitive nipples pulled and nibbled on soon! My sex line number is 1 – 866 326 5267
Don't forget ~
Choose Cherry for you phone sex fun
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