One day my step son came home from High school with a note from his Principal saying she was worried about him. Several times this week he was caught using the girls bathroom at school. I was very upset about the note and concerned about my step son. Even though I am only his step mother, I thought it best not to say anything to his dad and told him to go up to his room and that I was going to be up there in a bit to talk with him. When I got to his room the door was cracked open so I quietly peeped inside. What is saw was an even bigger shock to me than the note from his teacher! I found him with my panties on and another pair of my dirty panties in his hands up by his nose sniffing them! I couldn't believe my eyes. I asked him what he thought he was doing. He said “ but Cherry your my step mother, I love you. I want you to make me your bitch”. I was surprised at first but then released that he had been sending those signals to me for some time now and just now figured it out. My step son is a panty boy. My very own sissy boy to make my bitch. Want the staring role? Call me.
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Happy St Patty's Day!!! | ||
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